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Opening Hours : Tuesday thru Thursday - 11am to 3pm
  Contact : 617-637-7091

Prostate Cancer Awareness

September is Prostate Cancer Awareness month

CEHSID Inc, is very compassionate about communities of men of color, who are at high risk for Prostate Cancer. We urge all men of color over the age of 40 to start having a dialogue with their primary care physician. If you have a family history of Prostate Cancer, please speak to your primary care physician even earlier in age.

Men of color need to know their family history, risk factors and available treatments for Prostate Cancer. 1 in6 men of color are at risk for Prostate Cancer. Screening and early detection are important in the fight against Prostate Cancer. The cancer disparities among men of color: Black men, Latinos, African American men and men of the African Diaspora are often too high.

Let us change the horrible outcomes of Prostate Cancer among men of color by driving awareness on the disease. Please feel free to contact CEHSID Inc. for more info on Prostate Cancer. Every year more than 34,000 men die of Prostate Cancer in the USA alone.

By: Dalton A, Skerritt (President and CEO CEHSID Inc)

Center For the Elimination of Health and Social Inequities Inc.